***What happens if they can't get human flesh to eat? They can't starve to death - they are already dead. (question posed by Rajesh Koothrappali in the Big Bang Theory)***
When a human being is hungry, they eat to sustain themselves. Zombies will always eat because they are driven by their hunger and when no human flesh or organs are available to them, because after awhile there just isn't any left, it will seem like they are starving and dying out. The fact is, well my assumption based on movies, when corpses are reanimated they start decomposing from that point even further. No matter if there is an infinite supply of food for zombies to feed, zombies will NOT be able to continue to 'live'. The only thing that drives zombies to crawl, walk, hobble, or drag themselves with one arm is their insatiable hunger. After awhile, even if food is available to them, they will decompose. Basically, I am clarifying that zombies don't starve to death, they decompose to a further and final death.
In response to my own response, based on my logic (if you want to call it that) it would be beneficial if apocalypse's went according to plan. What I mean is, you've seen movies where they try and quarantine the outbreak and shoot anyone that even acts like a zombie. 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later, Land of the Dead, etc. ALOT of them. But they all try and keep zombies out so everyone that is healthy is in one central location. The problem with this is, when one zombie breaks down the door and bites a guard or someone inside that really doesn't know what's going on because they aren't informed the whole
plan is shot to shit. Then you have the army on the rooftops shooting everything that moves.
Information is the key. If a small scale outbreak of a virus happens or some kid was gnawing on another slower kid in the streets we have a right to know! There is Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, all kinds of messaging -- inform the masses! Especially the masses with guns. YES, I am contributing to violence against stenches. When shit goes down, find the rednecks with guns! Good golly gee. Don't herd everyone into a central location like you are helping, it makes the situation worse when the control shifts, because when people get together in a mass and nobody knows what's going on they turn into animals. Like how one elephant out of the bunch gets spooked, they all trumpet and stampede and kill everything by stepping on them.
So once we know, then what? Land of the Dead took it a step farther. They had a central location surrounded by water. Smart, neh? Well zombies don't have to breathe so once they figured out they could walk on the bottom in the water to the other side, it was all over. Granted George Romero movies have a spin to zombie portrayal--they watch and learn. You would think that once the brain has died, maybe just leaving the brain stem for movement, that all other thoughts besides 'eat' would be non-existent. Still GREAT movies if you haven't had a chance to view them, do so.
[Back on track]
This is probably more for officials:
1. Inform the masses of any outbreaks
2. Locate a central location of main 'attacks' and track them
= Zombies, like sheep, will follow other zombies in hopes of stealing 'kills' for themselves (not like sheep). Because of this, it should be easy to track a whole horde's movements to see what attracts the majority of them.
= Hell, see if someone will be brave enough to attach loud noisy objects like bells and air horns to zombies they see, and then run for it. Kind of herd them together. All these football players and sports people who get paid to run? There we go, I found a job for them. Zombie herders.
3. a. If they are slow zombies, lure them to a construction zone and start herding them into piles using bulldozers. Then they can be burned and whatever you see fit.
3. b. If they are fast zombies, such as those that have 'the rage' like in 28 Days Later, slow them down. How fast does concrete dry? Zombies don't climb buildings, take them down the street and have them step in some fresh concrete. It'll slow them down because of the weight of the wet concrete. muahaha
I'm still working on the plan myself. When it comes to me, it will be posted for whoever to read. Of course, I'm open to suggestions or other tidbits of information.